[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="Sadly, the best doesn't always win."]
With constantly updated late- breaking news stories, quality reporting, meaningful connections throughout the isle news scene, and a variety of popular columns and blogs, Honoluluadvertiser.com truly set a national example for what an online news source should be.
It seems as though the design of the Star Advertiser website was meant to be a synthesis of the Honolulu Advertiser’s and Star-Bulletin’s website designs. Indeed it was—an unfortunate compromise between the Honolulu Advertiser’s website’s efficiency and Star-bulletin’s awkward and cluttered website layout.
Although Staradvertiser.com was a good attempt at a new website, it should be scrapped for a design similar to the late and great Honoluluadvertiser.com.
A Letter to the Editor of Star Advertiser printed June 6, 2010
++ props for saying something - wish I could've really taken a look at the old website. I mean.. as a college graduate it's time to be keeping up with the news!