Jerry Burris
Akamai Politics
The Advertiser's Jerry Burris is retired from the newspaper, but is blogging on the politics and events of the day, from the Legislature to the presidential election and beyond.
Rosa Say
Say "Alaka‘i"
I also accidentally stumbled upon this blog while browsing through http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/ and realized that there is a lot of valuable information here about leadership, organization, and time-management--that is, IF you have the time to read it! This is a great blog for the manager or anyone in a position of leadership regardless of field.
Rosa Say is a workplace Aloha coach, founder of Say Leadership Coaching and the author of "Managing with Aloha, Bringing Hawai'i's Universal Values to the Art of Business." Manage and Lead: Learn to do both, and you can say and be Alaka'i (a leader), living and working within the Hawaiian value of management and leadership.
If you enjoy Say's advice, check out the Wall Street Journal's Lessons in Leadership. Here are some great tips and advice from some industry's most effective leaders.
Trisha Kehaulani Watson
He Hawai‘i Au
This is a very well-inspired and qualified local blog from a young, super educated, capable, Hawaiian leader. I suggest that any young Native Hawaiian should definitely subscribe to this one.
"Trisha Kehaulani Watson was born and raised in Manoa. She is a graduate of Punahou School. She has a J.D. and Ph.D. (American Studies) from the University of Hawai'i, Manoa. She is Native Hawaiian."
That's saying a lot!
David Shapiro
Volcanic Ash
This is a great political blog with a bit of an attitude. Shapiro usually doesn't go beyond covering the most obvious political and general societal issues in Hawaii, but almost always puts his own sarcastic tone to each piece.
"A totally independent, slightly irreverent and hopelessly idealistic view of people and events in Hawai'i and beyond. David Shapiro has covered Hawai'i and national news for four decades as a reporter, editor and columnist."
Bob Jones
Just Thoughts
Midweek actually has quite a few notable, local blogs or columns that are definitely worth checking out for the young political reader. This one I found especially intriguing; "Just Thoughts" expresses Bob Jones’ views on social and political issues facing the state of Hawaii, and the nation (primarily local issues, which he makes much more interesting). Bob Jones is a former newspaper reporter, NBC News foreign correspondent, and reporter-anchor-news manager at KGMB-TV. He has lived in Hawaii since 1963.
Greg Mankiw's Blog:
Random Observations for Students of Economics
Greg Mankiw is among the most influential Macroeconomists of all time and a professor of economics at Harvard University. Mankiw served as the chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisors from 2003 to 2005. He is also a Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. He uses this blog to keep in touch with his current and former students. Teachers and students at other schools, as well as others interested in economic issues, are also welcome to use this resource.
Paul Krugman -
The Conscience of a Liberal
After getting sucked into the vortex of economic articles, I sought a liberal counter-balance to Mankiw's insights in order for me to gain a broader understanding of the economic issues we are facing today. I came across this blog in the economics and politics opinion section in the New York Times.
Paul Krugman is a prominent American Keynesian economist, and a Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics. He is also a Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times and the sole recipient of the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his study of international trade and globalization.
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