Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Congressional Debate: My Reaction

Hanabusa speaks to and for her voters.

On the other hand, Djou uses the pronoun "we" too much in reference to either the US population or the US congressmembers: I cannot distinguish which.

Regarding Hanabusa being a "rubber stamp":

Having followed hundreds of bills over the pass few legislative sessions, I will attest that  Hanabusa's comment about only a small percentage of the bills going through is true. As senate president, her word (with all of its influence) DENIES hundreds of bills from even getting to the floor. "No" votes are not needed. It's relatively common knowledge how bills die in Hawaii.

Charles Djou's independence (not to mention values), on the other hand, is questionable.

I wish Hanabusa would of straight up asked Djou:
"You claim that you want to advocate for the best interests of the people of Hawaii, the people of whom you are a representative for. And I assume that you agree representing your constituency should be primary job as a congressman, and should take precedent over pushing forward your parties federal agenda.

Do you honestly feel that the people of Hawaii (the voters) are better off without HR 1516, a bill you voted against that would bring tens of millions to Hawaii's education system?"

Djou's vote against HR 1516 just does not make sense to me.  Sure "fiscal responsibility" on a federal level is important, but not nearly as important as increased resources in Hawaii's schools, investing in Hawaii's future.

Finally, Djou used an analogy in his closing remarks about a congressman's ID/credit card, and asks the public if they would trust Hanabusa with spending their money. Ironically, Djou was one of the top spenders in his brief "experience" as a congressman , and sent out (as Hanabusa mentioned) four full color brochures in 23 days, estimated to cost around half a million dollars.  Informing a constituency or using constituents' money to campaign?


Of course, as you most likely already know, I am not  partisan by any means, and I actually once considered that Djou could make a good representative for our State, but the more I see him in debates and commercials, the more I realize he is conservative drone who memorizes, word for word, an "answer" for any topic that he may be asked about.

Someone please remove his batteries.

At least in this debate, someone in his campaign finally advised Djou against the incredibly cheesy head snap, smile, and creepy stare into the TV camera.


On a side note, I'm sick of the ads.

Djou's negative, mud-slinging ads against Colleen Hanabusa reveals his lack of  aloha.  You've seen the one Sure, their are a few ads out there that are critical of Mr. Djou but compared with the smear campaign that Djou is running against Hanabusa, they are as classy as kings, merely stating facts, without any low-ball gimmicks or propaganda.

An ad rumored to have drove Senator Hanabusa to tears:


Nuff already.